Players 13-16 years of age (player’s age on April 30, 2025) are eligible for the 2025 Spring League. Birth certificate must be verified for first-time registrants.
If you know of anyone interested in Coaching during the 2025 Spring Season, please have them contact Sarasota Babe Ruth League President, Todd Williams, via email
Click HERE for the form.
Saturday mornings, January 18, 25, and February 1, from 9 AM to noon
Wednesday, January 29 from 5:30 to 6:30 PM
Tuesday, February 4 from 5:30 to 6:30 PM
Thursday, February 6 from 5:30 to 6:30 PM
TRYOUTS (Players MUST BE registered before trying out)
Wednesday, January 29 at 6:30 PM
Saturday, February 1 at 10 AM
Tuesday, February 4 at 6:30 PM
Thursday, February 6 at 6:30 PM
Registration for Players NOT playing high school JV or Varsity baseball is $280.
Registration for Players playing high school JV or Varsity baseball is $230.
Carl Luer, Secretary
Sarasota Babe Ruth League, Inc.
Click HERE for the Bat Rules.

Above is a photo of the Sarasota Babe Ruth 16U All Stars, who finished third out of 20 International Teams in the 2024 World Series.
They went undefeated in the State Tournament and Southeast Regional Tournament, and only lost one game in the World Series, losing 2-1 in the semifinal game to the eventual World Champion from Torrance, California.
They then defeated Puerto Rico, 4-0 to finish third in the world. Congratulations!
Click HERE for many photos from the 2024 SE Regional tournament!

Babe Ruth Southeast Region Commissioner John Lucas presents Sarasota Babe Ruth Secretary Carl Luer
with the “Lefty Gomez Volunteer of the Year” Award. Congratulations Carl!
About Sarasota Babe Ruth
Sarasota Babe Ruth
Babe Ruth League Baseball operates four fields at 185 South Pompano Avenue, just south of the Boys and Girls Club, and across the street from Robarts Arena. Seasons are conducted every fall (beginning in October) and spring (beginning in February). Founded in 1951, Babe Ruth Baseball League was created for ballplayers ages 13-15 who wished to continue their baseball playing experience beyond the age of 12. This is where players get their baseball cleats muddy for the first time on standard 90-foot diamonds under Official Baseball Rules used by Major League Baseball. In this division, teams are eligible to enter tournament competition and move along the tournament trail, culminating in a World Series. Three World Series are held in this division: one for 13 Year-Old players, one for 13 and 14 Year-Old Players, and the renowned 13-15 World Series. 13-Year-Old Prep Players often express a fear of competing with 14 and 15 Year-Old players who have already experienced one or two years playing on a standard 90' diamond. Babe Ruth League introduced this prep league-comprised of teams with only 13-year-old players-to foster more participation in the game for this age group. This league offers the 13-year-old player the assurance to play without age intimidation and the chance to participate in the 13-Year-Old World Series.
History of League
Sarasota Babe Ruth has a long and storied history, and has even helped coach and train several future Major League ballplayers. Babe Ruth League Baseball began in Sarasota in 1955 with four 14-15 year-old teams. Games were played at both Payne Park and Fruitville Park. Approximately 50 boys participated in the program. In 1973, a group of men headed by Woody Hodges obtained the property currently utilized by Sarasota Babe Ruth Baseball, Inc. on Pompano Road and one field (currently Field 1) was constructed. By that time the league had grown to six 14-15 year-old teams, with 80 boys in the program. In 1975, the Prep League (13-year-olds), consisting of four teams, was formed. With this expansion came the construction of a second field (currently Field 2). In 1977, a Senior League (16-18 year-olds), consisting of four teams, was formed. By the end of the 1983 season, growth of the league dictated the need for an additional field. As a result, a third field (currently Field 3), designed as a Prep League Field, was constructed. By 1998, further expansion was necessary, and a fourth field (currently Field 4) was constructed for the 1999 season. The League has continued and grown in both popularity and success in the past 20 years.
League Honors
In 1985, the Sarasota Senior League All-Star team, with Manager Tom Lucas, won the Babe Ruth League World Series in Fredrick, MD. In 1988, the Sarasota Babe Ruth Prep League All-Stars, managed by Bob Dean, won the Babe Ruth World Series in Vallejo, CA. In 1999, the Sarasota 15U All-Star team, with Manager Steve Hardee, won the Babe Ruth League World Series in Abbeville, LA. In 2016, the League sent two teams to the Babe Ruth World Series events. The 13U All Stars won state and regional championships, then traveled to Ottumwa, Iowa for the Babe Ruth World Series event pitting the top 10 teams in the nation in the year's annual finish. The Sarasota team placed third out of 10 teams, and performed tremendously under enormous pressure. The 14U All Stars also had a great post-season, winning their state and regional tournaments before traveling to Westfield, Massachusetts for the World Series. The team narrowly missed going to the final six team field, winning their final two pool play games and being left out of the final field by only a one-run tie-breaking margin. All-in-all, it was a fantastic showing for the local players. The 15U team also had a terrific start in 2016 in their quest for the state championship at the Sarasota Babe Ruth fields before losing two very tight one-run games.
About Sarasota Babe Ruth
If you are interested in coaching Babe Ruth Baseball, please contact our President, Todd Williams, at
Contact Info